The Seagull – By Anton Chekhov – Class of 2009

The Performing Arts Studio
Is Proud to Present

The Seagull

 By Anton Chekhov

In a new young and up to date interpretation

Hebrew: Dori Parnas
Director: Nir Erez
Music: Noam Yankalevitsh
Set & Props: Niv Manor
Costumes: Karin David
Lighting: Ori Morag
Movement: Amit Zamir
Performed by the third year students

We are proud to present The Seagull by Anton Chekhov.
A well known classic played in every respectable theater in the world, but this time with an up to date wardrobe and a young and kicking performance.
This is a play about art, about fame and publicity, about small and big ambitions that sometimes lead to a tragic end.

This tragic comedy is played this year at the Beer Sheva City Theater and at the Israeli National Theater Habimah – and this is a rare opportunity to watch different interpretations of the play.


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