The 2nd hope festival Hatikva.
Best community theatre production exposing our communal work in Hatikva neighborhood
The Yoram Loewenstein acting school is located in the heart of Hatikva neighborhood. The uniqueness of the school is in the combination between the highest level of professional acting studies with community work in the neighborhood where the school is located.
Few such institutions exist around the world.
As part of the training to become professional actors, the acting students are committed to lead 16 drama groups with in the community such as: youth at-risk, immigrant’s children in distress, children with special needs and emotional problems, blinds and partly blinds, elderly and more.
Crazy / by Yael Ronen
Adapted end directed by Maayan Turjeman and Shir Kliper (3rd year students)
Participating: Hatikva youth girls, with cooperation of Tel-Aviv municipality welfare department
The story of a four young girls hospitalized in isolation ward. Aya, the “fresh” patient in the psychiatric hospital, building a deep friendship between her and the other 3 girls in the ward
A human drama about pain and comfort, about friendship in a place where the soul is exposed and burning
An intimate glimpse into the world of youth girls from Hatikva neighborhood and their real connection to the moving story
Adapted end directed by: Maayan Turjeman and Shir Kliper
Participating: Hatikva youth girls, with cooperation of Tel-Aviv municipality welfare department