9 Parts of Desire – By Heather Raffo – Class of 2019

פתיחת מפת וייז

The Yoram Leowenstein Acting Studio Proudly Presents an Israeli Premiere:
9 Parts of Desire

Play By Heather Raffo
Director: Eynat Baranovsky

A first look for the Israeli viewer into the lives of Iraqi women who survived the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein. Women living in a world with no rights, rise up and speak without fear.
An inspirational anti-war play, full of hope for a better world, a world of freedom for all people, and for women in particular.

עמוד פייסבוקתמונות פייסבוק

Play: Heather Raffo
Translation and Directing: Eynat Baranovsky
Artistic Director: Lilach Segal
: Avia Bash
Set: Niv Manor
Movement: Amit Zamir
Music: Effi Shoshani
Lighting: Eyal Tavori

Performed by 3rd year Actors:
Morin Amor
Gal Malka
Amit Yagur
Bar Klein
Eli Steen

Originally produced for the New York Stage by
Manhattan Ensemble Theatre, Dave Fishelson, Artistic Director.
Originally produced by Erich Jungwirth, Voice Chair Productions;
Richard Jordan, Richard Jordan Productions, Ltd.
British premiere, Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh.
London premiere, Bush Theatre, Shepherds Bush Green, London.

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